Organic Pesticides

Leading Manufacturers, Exporters, Wholesaler and Distributor of Liquid Organic Larvicide, Organic Fungicide and Organic Insecticide from Lucknow.

1,600.00 / Litre

100 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Brand Name Laford
Packaging Size 1L
Packaging Type Bottle
Purity 99.98%
Dosage 2 ml/Litre

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Location Worldwide


  • Act as contact and systemic larvicide
  • Quick result around 48 to 72 hours
  • Overall control as target all larvae developmental stages
  • Residue free
  • Absolutely harm-free to crop
  • Not harmful for honeybees and beneficial insects
  • Increase carbohydrate utilization rate of plant

Target :

  • Chewing Pest Larvae, Caterpillar, Spodoptera, Helicoverpa etc


  • Cotton, Brinjal, Grapes, Table, Grapes, Tomato, Cucumber, Watermelon, Banana, Rice, Soya Bean, Sugarcane, Wheat, Sorghum, Potato, Onion, Strawberries, Raspberries, Berries, Pomegranate, Citrus, Apple, Custard Apple, Sugar Beet, Beet, Artichokes, Brassica, Cucurbits, Oilseed , Legumes, Fruits, Flowers etc.

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1,150.00 / Litre

100 Litre (MOQ)

Get Best Price
Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Packaging Size 1L
Brand Laford
Packaging Type Bottle
Form Liquid
Source Plant Based
Usage/Application Agriculture
Dosage 2 ml/L

Preferred Buyer From

Location Worldwide


  • Initiate intracellular free radical formation resulting in DNA and mRNA damage
  • Show killer effect on surface as well as intracellular fungi
  • Residue free, absolutely harm-free to crop
  • Equally effective against soil borne fungi and oomycete fungal infection

Target Fungi:

  • Downey mildew, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, Phytophthora. Fire Blight, Botrytis, Sour Rot, Rust, Sclerotinia, Powdery Mildew, Septoria Tritici, Eyespot, Net blotch etc.


  • Tea, Coffee, Tomato, Potato, Onion, Cucumber, Brinjal, Leafy Vegetables, Wheat, Paddy, Watermelon, Strawberries, Raspberries, Berries, Pomegranate, Citrus, Apple, Custard Apple, Banana, Cotton, Rice, Soya Bean, Sugarcane, Sorghum, Sugar Beet, Beet, Artichokes, Brassicas, Cucurbits, Oilseed , Legumes, Fruits, Grapes, Table Grapes, Flowers etc.

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850.00 / Litre

100 Litre (MOQ)

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Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Packaging Size 200L
Usage/Application Agriculture
Packaging Type HDPE Drum
Form Liquid
Dosage 1 ml/L
Purity 99%
Solubility 100% Soluble In Water

Preferred Buyer From

Location Worldwide


  • Stimulate salt loss of target insect pest resulting in decrease in sucking habits of pest
  • Quick result around 48 to 72 hours due to nervous system damage of pest
  • Eradicate most common insect pests including sucking pest, mites, white fly and aphids
  • Multi-target sites, therefore no chance of insect resistance
  • Residue free, absolutely harm-free to crop

Target Insects:

  • White Fly, Mites, Aphids, Thrips and Other Sucking Pests

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